Hey there! I am Heather. A Richmond local and Sugar Shack Donut enthusiast. This is my little home where I write about long lasting love, foodie locations you HAVE to visit, renovations, and DIY projects. 


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Personal, Uncategorized

March 18, 2014

So you think you know everything…think again!


From the moment I’ve considered myself a photographer I have always wondered when I would know everything I needed to know to be “the best”. I would take inspiration from others thinking that their way of doing something was the right way because they had more Facebook likes than I did. I was getting into a tendency of trying to be someone else in order to attain my experience. Now, I have people asking for advice wondering how I’ve become successful and what I’ve done to make my business flourish.

First, let me say WOW! I was baffled to even be considered a professional by some of these people. I didn’t actually think I had gotten to “that point”. All I could tell them was this…Never stop learning and bettering yourself. There may be a point where you feel successful and done. You may not feel like you have anymore to learn…but you do. There is always someone, regardless if they are more experienced than you, that can teach you something about who you are. It may be something physical, such as an option or setting on your camera. or it could also be a way of thinking. Perhaps something someone says will humble you or cause you to take risks.

On Thursday evening I will be heading up to Raleigh, North Carolina. Why, you may ask? Well..

1. I am going to the CLIC conference for Women Photographers which I can’t wait for. Not only to meet all the amazing speakers but to create friends while I am there. It’s a 2-day conference which includes a workshop day out in the field! Also, I love traveling so I am looking forward from taking a break from my 9-5 job and enjoying my favorite thing in the world, photography.

2. So as I mentioned before I get to meet 5 amazing speakers at this conference. I have to admit that although I am very excited to meet the other 4 speakers the real reason I am going is to meet my biggest role model, Katelyn James. Everyone asks where I got started and how I planned my business….well, I read her blog. A LOT!! I took advice from a photographer I felt a personal connection with, even though this weekend will be the first time that I actually have a chance to meet her! Now, I do have to say this…some things that worked for Katelyn haven’t worked for me. Not because the advice that she gave was wrong…but I am a different person than her. Obviously, not everything that she says is going to work. I have been lucky enough to read her advice and I have gotten to figure out where I need to adjust my business to fit me better. So… I am completely ecstatic about meeting this amazing photographer!

Now ladies, I know I am rambling but I swear that this rant has a point!

Katelyn James gave advice in her blog about owning your own business. She said that this wasn’t a simple task… It’s a 7 days a week job. Now, Katelyn probably said it in the sweetest and most humble way possible but she is RIGHT! There isn’t a day that I’m not doing something for my business or my brides and you know what? I like it that way…I have a weirdly close and personal relationship with each of my brides that they are more of friends than they are clients! I have to thank Katelyn for that. She helped me realize even before my business started that I could make these relationships happen.

So back on track…

I am beginning to be asked how I became successful and it is mind boggling and amazing that people are coming to me for advice…but I still feel like the girl who started my business a few years ago! I was like a sponge…soaking everything in. I am still this way!! I am sure, although I can’t speak for her, that Katelyn may still feel this way.

Ladies, life is about bettering ourselves. AND I mean me as well! I am a better and stronger person than I am yesterday. Trust me when I say…I love my photography how it is. That’s just me…and my pride. I know at the end of the day if I want to move forward that I need to look forward. Forward just happens to be in Raleigh, North Carolina…. and I can’t express the excitement to get a fresh look on how to make me an even better person for the future!

Don’t think that you can’t grow from the advice from someone else. I get motivated from not only the experienced professionals but also from the passionate people who are starting a business!

Hope you liked this post. Make sure to leave a comment at the bottom. I’d love to see what you think.

-Heather Michelle

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