Hey there! I am Heather. A Richmond local and Sugar Shack Donut enthusiast. This is my little home where I write about long lasting love, foodie locations you HAVE to visit, renovations, and DIY projects. 


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Photographers, Uncategorized

January 15, 2015

Let’s talk about your camera!

Hello all my lovely photographers!

Today we are going to talk about your camera!!!

I was lucky to have an amazing first year in business. Now, I would love to say that I had absolutely everything I wanted to make that happen. But it didn’t… I had what I needed. This is my bay bay. No, it’s not a Mark III. It’s a Canon 60D and it got me through over 12 engagement session, 5 weddings, and multiple corporate photo shoots. I have to give this thing a big thanks! Now, I am hopefully going to get my dream camera but one thing that is important is to know how to work it! I talked about lighting very very briefly last week but it’s important to know the function of your camera.



This is your LCD panel. It’s completely digital which is SUPER convenient and your controls are right above the LCD panel. This is an easy way to change all your settings and I constantly use it to quickly check my settings. If I need to change anything I go to the display panel on the back of the camera.


So here is the display panel and as I said in my previous post about lighting I use 4 controls to make easy fixes. Right now the shooting mode is on manual, which I recommend to EVERYONE! It’s hard at first but when you learn how to shoot in manual everything is in your control! Right now, the setting is hovering over the shutter speed. This is a measurement of how long the shutter on your camera is open when you take a picture. This allows more light to reach the sensor. The longer it is open the more light your picture will take in. Now, this is a measure of seconds. So a 1/40 shutter speed means that the shutter is open for 1/40th of a second. If you are going lower than 1/60 shutter speed then you may need to consider using a tripod. At least, that’s when I whip it out!


Next is your aperture. We talked about that in my educational post last week. The aperture is part of the lens and tells you how much light the lens is allowing in. For example, my aperture is at f2.0 which is mostly open allowing in more light but if I had a f22 the lens would have a much smaller opening for light making the picture darker.


This is your exposure meter and my best friend!! This basically tells you if your pictures is good, overexposed, or underexposed. It really helps if you are in a tough spot and gives you that “AH HA” moment in a pickle!


This camera has 9 auto focus points which makes focusing on off centered subjects easy and accurate. You can have auto focus points which is the entire 9 points or you can select manual and be creative with what is in focus. This is how you see those cool pictures with a person in total focus on one side of the picture and the other side blurred. It’s function is to focus on what is closest to you.

Well that’s all I have today!! Make sure to take your camera outside and snap some winter pictures. I want to see snow pictures if we have it!!!! 🙂

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