Hey there! I am Heather. A Richmond local and Sugar Shack Donut enthusiast. This is my little home where I write about long lasting love, foodie locations you HAVE to visit, renovations, and DIY projects. 


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Personal, Uncategorized

December 1, 2014

Finding my own path | Personal


Today, I found this post on pinterest and it stopped me in my tracks. “Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don’t have to do what everyone else is doing”. It’s so TRUE! If you were to ask me at 18 what I thought I would be doing after college I would have told you working as an art teacher. There is a part of me that wishes that I could have made that a reality…and I still can but then I remember getting my first camera. I remember my Aunt Kaka taking me to look at options and talking about the pro’s and con’s. I remember coming home and letting my mom and sister see my “new toy” and how they said it was SO COOL! That paintbrush that I religiously held dropped from my hands and a camera took it’s place. My world drastically changed…as did my dream.

If I were to tell myself at 18 that I would be a wedding photographer and my own boss I would have laughed out of disbelief. I would have asked “How in the world did I manage that?” Somehow, my dream changed and I made it happen. Life happened. Experiences happened and with the support of my family and friends my dream has come true. I’m not doing what everyone else is doing. I am 23 years old. I have a ton of college debt and I still live my parents (It’s not nearly as bad as everyone preaches). I work a part time job and I live my dream as a wedding photographer. I live my dream daily and I love it.

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